Comparing DeepSeek and ChatGPT: 30 different ways of using X-FORWARDED-FOR header 10 different ways of using proxychains 10 different ways you can use Postman 10 different ways of using React Hooks with examples Client Side CSP Bypass Bypassing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for XSS exploits Double Ping Pong Game by ClaudeAI Privilege escalation in Linx 30 different stealing authentication tokens mechanism top 30 CSP bypass techniques Top 100 Content Security Policy (CSP) features Top GitLab’s bug bounty program hunters 60 jQuery exercises 60 AngularJS exercises 50 different Wireshark or TCPDump filters for network anomalies detection 30 common mistakes in JSON Web Tokens (JWT) : authentication or authorization Tools for deobfuscating, decoding, or decrypting JavaScript (II) Tools for deobfuscating, decoding, or decrypting JavaScript 20 examples of using gobuster for directory traversal and discovery 20 command-line examples to enumerate SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) information Identifying Access Control Bugs Identifying access control bugs through automation Opensource Security Operation Centers and Incident Response system Linux user space rootkit technologies Anti rootkit technologies Linux kernel rootkits Linux C2 attack emulation Continuity of thoughts problems in AI Using Groq to build AI agents framework Process of AI agent implementations using Groq AI agents framework Implement a AI agent for bug hunting RFCs related to load balancers and their associated protocols Vulnerabilities Writeup 100 differeny ways to test WordPress vulnerabilities Path traversal vulnerability and how its different types of manifestation List of linux privilege escalation methods Examples of development of applications using Amazon Bedrocks 400 Plus questions to test any generative AI system 100 ways of API Hacking 100 ways to achieve privilege escalation in Linux Odoo Setup Guides Crypto Currency Setup Notes Variable Petal Lines Animation Microsoft Entra: SSO design from the start How to run Android headless in the cloud Epitrochoid (v2) Curves Epitrochoid Curves Double polygon double rotation AI generated checklist: Apache Kafka List of LangChain applications Chasing polygon Adding two hypotrochoid curves Joining points on the hypotrochoids Joining points on the circle Joining points on the hypotrochoids (generalized) Three Flower in Motion (v3) Flower in Motion (v2) Hypotrochoid Curves with Slow Rotation and Offset Control Hypotrochoid Curves with Rotation and Offset Control Hypotrochoid Curve (v4) Flower in Motion Epicycloid Curves Epicycloid Curves Epicycloid Curves Hypotrochoid Curve (v3) Donut animation drawn using characters Hypotrochoid Curve (v2) Hypotrochoid Curves with Scrollbars, Labels, and Color Picker Hypotrochoid Curves (save as PNG feature) Vortex Parametric Equation Visualization Generalized Cardioid Shape Dynamic Petals Dynamic Petals with Red-Blue-Yellow Gradient Animated Sinusoidal Wave on Ellipse Polygon Midpoint Generator Polygon with Colored Lines Epicycloid Curves with Petal with Scrollbars, Labels, and Color Picker Variable Petal Lines Animation Variable Petal Lines Animation Variable Petal Lines Animation Square with Colored Lines Generalized chasing rotating polygon Parametric Equation Visualization with Rotation Drawing double polygon Pentagon with Colored Line Chasing rotating triangle Drawing chasing triangle Chasing and rotating square Chasing on square Chasing on rotating pentagon Chasing pentagon Chasing lines on rotating hexagon Chasing lines and running color Chasing diagram on rotating hexagon Chasing on hexagon Chasing diagram on diamond around a diamond Chasing diagram on a circle Chasing diagram on hexagon around hexagon animated with color. Chasing hexagon around hexagon Chasing diagram on pentagon around pentagon Chasing diagram on squares around squares Chasing diagram inside a square Triangle around triangle with chasing diagram Chasing diagram on triangle AI for checking vulnerabilities in Java Source Code