Odoo Setup Guides
- Deployment Guide to Installing Odoo 14 on Ubuntu 20.04:
- Odoo setup in Ubuntu:
- Odoo Setup:
- Odoo v10 + Ubuntu 16.04 + Nginx + Certbot SSL:
- Install odoo from source:
- How To Install Odoo 13 on Ubuntu:
- Install Odoo 13 on Ubuntu 20.04:
- Odoo development setup:
- Install Odoo 10 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
- Ubuntu Scripts Installing Odoo v9:
- odoo-server-setup.sh:
- Install Odoo 13, 14, 15 on Ubuntu 20.04:
- setupodoo Install odoo 12 on new VPS Ubuntu 18.04:
- install odoo from source. Script is maintained on …:
- install odoo from source:
- install odoo from source:
- Install Odoo 13 on macOS 10.15.7 Catalina:
- odoo11 Server Setup Install:
- Configure Odoo for Development enviroment in VSCode:
- Installing Odoo ERP on AWS using RDS and EC2:
- Odoo, Centos 7, Nginx, SSL installation Checklist.md:
- Once install community odoo 16, then you can run this to …:
- A flexible Odoo installation script:
- PG Bouncer + Odoo Installation Steps:
- WORKING VPS Install Odoo Multi Domain Non WWW SSL …:
- install-odoo.sh:
- Complete Odoo installation on Ubuntu 18.04 Nginx:
- Odoo Configuration Example:
- 102120254: Odoo setup, wkhtmltopdf:
- Install Odoo 12 on Ubuntu 18.04 with Nginx and Letscrypt:
- Sample odoo.conf file · GitHub:
- Odoo installation guide (on CentOS 7):
- Installing Odoo 12 (enterprise):
- Install odoo on mac M1:
- Install odoo 12 on Centos 7 with nginx:
- Caprover odoo one click setup from @abedev31:
- Install odoo 12 community edition VPS ubuntu 18.04 a1 …:
- Installer script for Odoo 8 on Debian & Ubuntu VM/Azure:
- A1 Pycharm install and Setup odoo templates:
- I Will Do Installation Odoo14 On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.:
- NGINX Odoo Virtualhost Setup:
- Odoo installation script for debian 8:
- odoo 8 installation in ubuntu 14.04:
- Odoo Configuration Parameters:
- Odoo Configuration File:
- Fixes for the Odoo installation from source on macOS:
- Odoo vagrant machine setup:
- Install & run an odoo v10 Community Edition, in a Debian …:
- Configure Odoo with Keycdn:
- basic pgbouncer configuration with odoo:
- Using res.config.settings in Odoo:
- install-odoo-mac-m1.md:
- ashokdhudla’s gists:
- Odoo Proxy Server Configuration on Nginx:
- odoo install problems: ldap lxml an other issues:
- Install Odoo on Manjaro:
- nginx configuration for odoo:
- Ubuntu configuration for odoo development:
- Odoo localhost nginx configuration:
- Sample odoo.conf file · GitHub:
- Abdul Halim abdulhalim-cu:
- odoo 14 install, improved version:
- akhdaniel:
- lacalifornia · GitHub:
- Odoo Backup and Restore Scripts:
- odoo 11 create new instance:
- Reverse Proxy for odoo with nginx, two domains and ssl …:
- Odoo installation scipt:
- Update Quant Reservation:
- mazharulsabbir’s gists:
- michaelkarrer81’s gists:
- Mahmoud-Alaa-Eldeen’s gists:
- install configuration Postgres · GitHub:
- Install Odoo v10 Enterprise (with Bista repositories):
- How configure Odoo Development with Visual Studio Code:
- pylint things:
- Odoo and Google OAuth 2:
- How to get data directory that saved in odoo configuration file:
- Setting up Asterisk for webrtc:
- Installation:
- Odoo 8.0 docker using pip:
- Testing in Odoo 13] #test #debug #unit #modules …:
- inspiretk’s gists:
- Install Odoo posbox in pc:
- Odoo tricks · GitHub:
- Odoo Cheatsheet:
- Odoo Auto Backup to Mega:
- Odoo 13 CE development enviroment for ubuntu 20:
- Fix Wkhtmltopdf Issues in Odoo PDF Reports on Ubuntu …:
- Script to send rsyslog message of OpenERP to Sentry:
- Instalación Odoo · GitHub:
- mohammedshahil’s gists:
- tejastank’s gists:
- First Option (Automatic Install) sudo wget https://goo.gl …:
- Odoo and Facebook Login:
- Install Odoo v10 Enterprise (with Bista repositories):
- CloudLinuxDeveloper’s gists:
- haylahi:
- Ivan Porras ivanporras: