proxychains is a powerful tool for routing application traffic through a chain of proxies. Below are 10 different ways to use it, with examples:

1. Run a Web Browser Through Proxies

Use proxychains to route your browser traffic through a proxy.

proxychains firefox

This will open Firefox and route all its traffic through the configured proxies in /etc/proxychains.conf.

2. Test Connectivity Using curl

Use proxychains to send requests using curl.

proxychains curl

This is useful for testing how the request appears when routed through the proxies.

3. Perform DNS Lookups

Run dig or nslookup to check how DNS queries behave when routed through proxies.

proxychains dig

This routes DNS resolution through the proxy chain.

4. Run Network Scans Using nmap

Route nmap scans through proxies for anonymity.

proxychains nmap -sT -Pn -p 80

-sT ensures a TCP connect scan, as SYN scans (-sS) typically don’t work over proxies.

5. Use proxychains with wget

Download files anonymously using wget.

proxychains wget

This downloads the file through the configured proxy chain.

6. Bypass Firewalls for SSH

Use proxychains to establish SSH connections through a proxy.

proxychains ssh

This is handy for connecting to SSH servers behind firewalls or geographical restrictions.

7. Run Tor Browser with Proxychains

Chain proxychains with tor for additional anonymity.

proxychains tor

This routes tor itself through the configured proxy chain.

8. Use Proxychains with git

Clone repositories or interact with Git servers through proxies.

proxychains git clone

This allows Git traffic to be anonymized.

9. Test APIs or Services Using python

Run Python scripts with proxychains to proxy API requests or other scripts.

proxychains python

This is particularly useful for developers testing applications or APIs through proxies.

10. Automate Proxychains with Shell Scripts

Combine proxychains with a shell script for batch tasks.

Example shell script

for url in $(cat urls.txt); do
  proxychains wget $url

Run it:

chmod +x

This automates tasks like downloading files anonymously in bulk.

Key Configurations for Proxychains

Before using proxychains, configure /etc/proxychains.conf or ~/.proxychains/proxychains.conf. For example:

# Dynamic mode for proxy chaining

# Proxy list
socks5 9050
http 8080


  • dynamic_chain: Skips unavailable proxies in the chain.
  • strict_chain: Ensures all proxies are used, failing if one is down.
  • random_chain: Randomizes the order of proxies.